Charlie Company operated within the Mekong Delta and moved about on World War Two era landing crafts that were up armored and called Armed Transport Carriers (ATC) on such ATC used was ship number ATC-T92-4
The men of Charlie Company two main modes of insertion into battle was either by helicopter and or by ATC via the many water ways that made up the Mekong Delta of Vietnam
With a mission patrol area of 4,000 square miles of water way and 15,500 square miles of dense jungle and rice paddies U.S. forces were on Search and Destroy mode for well over 82,000 enemy solider of the Viet Cong (VC) that operated and were embedded in the area
The men of Charlie Company lived and operated out of U.S. Navy barracks ships which after missions and battles they would revert back to the ships which made up the Mobile Rivernine Forces. Base Camp for Charlie Company was out of Dong Tam
VFW Post 10212 Reports: May 15th marks the 50th Anniversary of U.S. Army Charlie Company from the 4th Regiment, 47th Infantry, 9th Infantry Division first ever battle in Vietnam on May 15th 1967 and the members of VFW Post 10212 remembers those who served and paid the ultimate price for our nation. What made Charlie Company a one of kind was that the men of Charlie Company were the last of the U.S. Army to have been drafted, trained and served in combat together. From Fort Riley in Kansas to seeing action in the Mekong Delta with IV Corp., Charlie Company was truly one of the last true band of brothers
Charlie Company was formed in May 1966 at Fort Riley, Kansas and was mainly made up 99% draftees representing all parts of our nation and was one of the largest draft call up of the Vietnam War. Being part of the U.S Army 9th Infantry Division they were know as 'Old Reliable" a moniker that was obtained from their valiant service in World War Two
Training for Charlie Company at Fort Riley finished in December 1966 and on January 10th 1967 Charlie Company consisting of 160 men left San Francisco, California on board a World War Two era transport ship for Vietnam and within three weeks time they were in Nam.
Charlie Company first battle engagement occurred on May 15th 1967 and of which saw the lost of their first man Don "Bug" Peterson dying on that significant date of May 15th 1967.
In January 1968, Charlie Company headed back to the "Real World" home and out of the original 160 members who depart a year earlier, Charlie Company had 26 killed and 105 wounded. VFW Post 10212 remembers those who paid the ultimate sacrifice, those wounded and those who proudly served. May God bless them and their families.
50 Years Later
VFW Post 10212 Remembers
The Men Of Charlie Company
VFW Post 10212 Remembers
The Men Of Charlie Company
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